Only gestational and yolk sac seen.

Girls I am freaking out, went in this morning for early scan but only gestational and yolk sac was seen. As per the App I should be 6 weeks 1 days. After ectopic, missed miscarriage, chemical I am so so anxious. Do I still have chance for the baby to grow in my sac? The ovulation strip test confirmed I ovulated around 29.01 and that was the last day we baby danced as well… looking for some reassurance….
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This is all they could see at my last scan and they measured me at 6 weeks 2 days! But she said everything looked fine (NHS scan) I go back Friday 28th but since that scan my sickness and other symptoms have gotten so much worse! So I believe everything is all ok. I've had a MMC before at 12 weeks and my symptoms definitely calmed down, they've amped up this time! Try not to panic it was still super should get to see a heartbeat on the next one xx

@Hanna great assuring reply, thank you for giving me hope xx

I saw a specialist consultant following a missed miscarriage in 2023 and was pregnant again at the first appt without realising - he did a scan then and said to come back the following week as around 7 weeks is generally when a heartbeat can be heard. So, the first scan of our now two year old is of the yolk sac. The second scan has a little heart beat along the bottom which I found really reassuring after our previous loss. All the best, it’s hard not to stress having experienced previous loss/es. For reassurance - your local early pregnancy unit may offer reassurance scans due to your previous experience so you don’t need to pay for them. It’s worth checking - I had a scan at 9 weeks last time at my local EPU because that’s when we lost our first.

@Jessica thank you for your kind response and giving me hope. They have rebooked me for another scan for 7th March

@Hanna good luck for your appointment tomorrow hun, let me know how it goes. Will be thinking about you xx

I had a scan yesterday. I thought I was 6weeks 3 days but the scan put me at exactly 6 weeks. Sonographer said I might have ovulated later than my app states but it looked normal for 6 weeks. So she’s rebooked me in for next Wednesday at 7 weeks just to make sure it’s growing. Hindsight, I wish I had waited ‘til gone 7 weeks to get a reassurance scan because it’s done the opposite of reassure me sadly.

@Kate did they see fetal pole or heartbeat or just sacs? It so hard isn’t it to try assure yourself everything will be ok. Hoping and praying for you xx

They didn’t see a heartbeat but they saw a very tiny fetal pole! I’m so sure of my dates because I tracked using OPKs and I know the dates we had sex measure up with the positive ovulation. And my positive pregnancy test 10 days after ovulation. So I’m just a bit baffled but I’ve just read A LOT of information on Google about how dates at this point can literally be +/- 5 days out and that’s absolutely fine so I’m trying not to worry about it…emphasis on the “trying” x

@Kate I am baffled with my dates too cause I was so sure of my ovulation dates and the last time we tried for baby I am so sure I was 6weeks and 1 day in the day of scan but no fetal pole or heartbeat was seen. I am overly anxious for this very reason until the next scan :( the sonographer wouldn’t tell me how further along she thinks I was and that makes it worse

Hey lovely, just to update you, everything was fine! Measuring what I thought I was and there was a heartbeat 🥰! Hope this makes you feel a little better xx

@Hanna such beautiful news hun, so happy for you. Thank you for updating me ❤️

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