I just put the bottle in the fridge and then chuck it after it's been reoffered once. Avoids wasting the formula and LO is fine
That’s because he’s listening to his internal cues for hunger/ fullness which is a healthy way to feed and the way breastfed babies always feed. Think about it from an adults perspective, it’s not healthy to gorge yourself past being full and then ignore your cues for hunger or thirst for hours, it’s important to feed responsively regardless of whether baby is formula or breastfed so they don’t end up with issues later on in life identifying when they’re hungry or full. Maybe do what @Cara suggests and put the feed in the fridge to save wasting as much
My boy is doing this also and we have formula fed from day 1! Drives me mental.
You will never get your baby to have set schedule of eating and having the exact same amount every time, think about when you have your own meals sometimes your really hungry and eat all of it sometimes you can only eat half And sometimes you don’t even fancy a meal you fancy a snack! That’s the exact same for your baby it’s healthy to feed them when they are hungry following what they need and when, although it’s annoying and you feel like your constantly wasting.. it is what it is, everyone who formula feeds are in the same position it’s normal
Thanks all for your responses 😘! I think one of the main reasons is cause he is still feeding every 3 hours in the night so he’s just not as hungry in the day as he’s waking up 3 times for 3oz! I’ve tried to reduce this but he seems to then just wake more frequently! If I put it in the fridge can I reheat it for him as he won’t drink it cold?
@Nicol 🐝 hey hun bottles made up are advised to be thrown after 2 hours if untouched and if they have been touched can only last an hour, before requiring to be thrown ( guidelines) you can reheat bottles but they advise to be careful with the microwave as you can get small pockets of boiling milk, maybe use a jug of boiling water and place the bottle in to reheat? Or you can buy bottle warmers online xx
Hi, i have also noticed this with my boy now as i am weaning to formula. What i do to stop the waste is actually prepare less and see how it goes. I do 90ml or 120 at a time. If he does not have it immediatelly i try offering it about half hour after.