Hello. I’m Scotland unfortunately we can’t get free childcare hours until they are 3 😔😔 but thank you!! I’ll look into UC
Definitely look in to UC though worth bearing in mind that im pretty sure you can only access the 85% towards childcare if both of you are working, or if you're on statutory maternity leave I think. There are also some criteria to qualify for funded hours from age 2 in Scotland but I don't know how easy it is to access. If you qualify for UC, you can also apply for Scottish child payment, best start Grant and best start foods.
Thank you so so much!! Huge help!!
Are they in daycare? Or are you paying someone to watch them? That might take more money than you're making to help out if so. Also track where it's all going one month to see what's going on. Try only buying things you need to stay safe (food, a coat for kid to stay warm from thrift store) but borrow anything you can for awhile! Like I borrow a lot of the big stuff from other moms
Are you in the uk? Are you entitled to universal credit? If you are, you can get 85% of your childcare paid. If not, once your youngest is 9 months you can claim 15 hours this increases to 30 hours from September, this should allow you to get a part-time job if you can fit it round the nursery - to be eligible for the free hours you need to be working but it should cover a lot of the cost.