I’m not sure if this is the answer you’re looking for, but my son wasn’t diagnosed with hearing issues until age 5 and I wish we’d known earlier, as we would have been able to get more help and it would have explained so much. He wears hearing aids now and is thriving, and has a totally normal life. Most people don’t even realise he has hearing aids. So should your child end up needing hearing aids, it’s really not the end of the world.
My little girl has had hearing aids for 2 weeks and she’s 8 weeks old now and it was honestly like those videos you see of kids hearing for the first time when they were turned on. Her hearing loss is mild on one side and mild to moderate on the other. If you’re in the UK and not having to pay for the hearing aids I would just do it because it can really impact their speech and communication if you don’t intervene early. I honestly can’t see the downside of getting hearing aids for now and not needing them later? To me that’s the better option than waiting for there to be a problem and then trying to catch up with time lost. My girl could hear us and responded to music and our voices etc but seeing the difference now she has hearing aids it’s really obvious how much she couldn’t hear before.
Also the tests audiology do are testing the hearing nerve and the brains response so wouldn’t be affected by glue ear or “selective hearing” as the test bypasses the inner ear entirely.
Ok so similar story for us; my son is 2 and has never passed a hearing test. He has started talking and his speech is not as clear as it could be, he does sound almost like a deaf person speaking sometimes, however we’ve never had what is causing it confirmed- the guess is fluid/glue ear. I have glue ear at the moment myself so I know how much you can hear with it- and you can converse and hear but sounds are very muffled. The other issue we have with my son is that he gets too distracted when they try and test his hearing, he absolutely will not wear the hearing aid either! Sorry for the rambling response- I just wanted you to know you’re not alone