Are they breast fed? Often they produce very little waste from breast milk, particularly when growing, so this could be the reason for no poos. If not, are they visibly in pain or grouchy? I’ve heard that RTF formula can act as a laxative so worth a try if bottle fed! If worried though, just get in contact with your HV or GP :) I use my HV number a lot and they’re always so helpful!
Thanks for the response. Yes she’ EBF but I started giving her water and introduced her to fruits recently . She farts ( very smelly) No sign of pain or bloating
Use a frida windeeze made my baby poo instantly x
If uve just started introducing solids then that's most likely the reason y it takes a few days to a week for there stomachs to adjust to foods after only ever being on milk so that's totally normal. If ur already giving fruits I suggest give some prune puree will clear them right out. How old is your baby? Baby's shouldn't be having water under 6 months even in small amounts it's toxic there bodies they can't process it can cause a lot of problems. Like over comment said its very common for breast fed babies to go a few days without bowel movements. They say 7 days is fine without a bowel movement for bf babies so if by days 8 still nothing take to doctors x
My EBF didn’t poop for 10 days!! A few times this happened. Then I started eating pears and she goes every 2-3 days. Her wind is also very smelly! 🤣
Have you changed anything? Started weaning? New medication? Do you breast feed? Do they have cmpa and on prescription formula? Are they in pain? Have they been struggling to burp and fart? Sorry for the questions but depending on ur answer will help me try and give u a solution or explanations x