A bath or shower? I took a shower The night after. It was like holy water touched my body. It helped me walk sm better
6 weeks for a bath x
I had a shower a couple days after, and had a small quick bath the day after my dressing came off so day 6, the midwife said that it was fine to have a bath once the dressing came off. currently on day 8 after my c section x
i showered like the day after because they told me too so i would feel better 😅 but a bath never will lol
The day I was discharged from the hospital….
I have showered since the day after but just wondered about getting in the bath, my midwife said to wait a couple of weeks depending on healing but no specific time frame x
8 weeks x
8 weeks for a bath, day 1 for showers
Shower 12 hours, bath 6 weeks
The say 6 weeks for healing to prevent infections but also because most c sections r finished with dissolvable stitches and if they r submerged in water for a period of time they will dissolve and ur wound will open up x
I have been bathing since day 10 after dressing was removed but with water only without any bath oils or cremes,made sure my wound was healed first then after 3rd week I started srubbing and soaking myself
6 weeks x
6 weeks x