3 (almost 4) year old potty training

Help me. I'm at a total loss with my daughter. She's almost 4. She pees most of the time no issues on the toilet. she absolutely refuses to poo on the toilet. She will go in her panties or a pull up. She knows when she has to go cause she runs and hides. I've tried encouraging to go at those times when I'm aware it's happening. She refuses. I've tried bribing with candy/ice cream any kind of treat she likes. I've thrown her favorite panties away to show her that's not right. She will come tell me she's pooped and I need to change her. I don't know what else to do. She has a small potty and she has a seat for the big potty.
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Girl my daughter is 4 in a few months and does this too!!!! I know it’s such a struggle…tbh the only thing that just recently changed my daughter from pooping in her pull-up or on her panties was showing her how it smooshed onto her body…and how it can cause infections with her private area and it can hurt. Then we started doing chocolate chips (we had tried other treats before this too and they didn’t work)….but for the past 2 days she’s been in undies and has told me when she needs to poop….(pull-up for nap and bedtime but changed right after waking up) to keep her from hiding and going in her pull-up. She lost 1 pair of undies and ig decided she didn’t want that to happen again, so she hasn’t gone in her undies again, yet….it WILL get better! Keep doing what you’re doing and maybe take her potty a little more often that you normally do….you’re doing awesome, kids pick this up when they want to tbh

I’m in the same boat! My daughter will be 4 in April. She has no problem peeing on the potty, but is terrified of pooping. She will go out a pull up on herself and hide to poop. we’ve done everything we can think of to encourage her to go on the potty and nothing works. We’ve even washed her off with a cold shower (which she hated and promised to TRY on the potty) but we haven’t been successful yet!

Kinda love knowing I’m not alone in this anymore!!! We’re gonna try getting a bigger stool, so that she can have her legs up further….i have tended to notice my daughter full squats to poop, idk if y’all’s do too but maybe it’s hard for them to poop on the bigger potties bc they can’t squat that same? Just a thought I had and then heard about a squatty potty stool thing, so we’re gonna try that!

What worked for my son was getting a pack of dinosaurs for peeing and he was still struggling with pooping so I got him a pack of 100 cars and he'd get 2 cars for pooping on the toilet. So is there a pack of 50 or whatever of what they like? Maybe that could work???

@Alyssa my kiddo is so dang head strong she could care less I threw her undies away. Before whens she's gotten poo are her she's clearly disgusted and protests it but doesn't care to that point. If I make an attempt to put her on the potty she will hold it in.

@Emily this one's tricky lol we have so many toys already and Everytime she visits her dad's she comes home with new things.

@Brittani my babysitter had to do this when she pooped at her house. Had to hose her off outside. The child could care less 😭

@Alyssa I'm fixing to order a stool for her. That's my last hope. Sometimes she squats and sometimes she just sits. I'm hoping the still will encourage her more

Girl I can’t!! I know those head strong ones can be such a challenge!! Best of luck to us all lmaoo 👍🏼

My son (almost 4 too) just started pooping in the toilet this past December. I Tried bribing him with lollipops and toys but nothing worked. Even had a small potty but he liked using the actual toilet. Finally, one day, after several attempts on the toilet and him holding it in, he stood up and looked at me saying he needed to poop and started pushing. I immediately ran to the bathroom with him and put him on the toilet. He looked terrified but I assured him he was okay and encouraged him to release. Finally!! After many attempts, he did it!! Since then, he’s never looked back. And tells everyone he’s a big boy and poops in the toilet lol. My only advice to you, is that consistency is key! Keep putting her on the potty when you see her hiding. She’ll eventually go #2

Idk if this was suggested yet but offer a small treat every time she tries to poop on the toilet. Then after like 3 days of trying and receiving a treat only offer it after successfully pooping on the toilet for 3ish days/times. It's easier to faze the treat out if you're always changing the reason for receiving it. My son did great on the little potty but was too scared to try the bathroom toilet, so I used this treat method. After a few successful times I would change what had to be accomplished for the treat and of course was praising him for trying. He ended up being really proud of himself and forgot all about the treats.

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