Have they gone through or are going through 4 months sleep regression yet? Are the having normal and regular bowel movements? Have you introduced any new formulas, medicines, food? Are they more tired then normal, napping longer, shorter awake windows? Sorry for the questions but answering them may give us a better understanding and more accurate advice. If they drink roughly 35oz in 24hrs and then in 24hrs they start drinking less then half of their normal amount so for you that would be less then 18/19oz in 24hrs then take to hospital/call 111, also keep an eye on there wet nappies, if they don't have any wet nappies in 12hrs or if wet nappies significantly decrease take to hospital/call 111. Always contact GP if concerned always better to over do it then under do it x
Had the 4 month regression! Normal poos, not introduced anything new, extremely tired with shorter wake windows. He didn’t have his last bottle last night, only ended up drinking around 21oz yesterday and currently he’s on 12oz today with 2 bottles to go. He’s still having wet nappies but they’re barely wet as he isn’t drinking enough. Called the doctors and they don’t have any appointments so just waiting to see what should do.
If you are concerned, you should definitely go to the GP.