You are not expecting too much. Im sorry you’re going through this but you are not alone as I dealt with it in the beginning and I hear it from so many of my friends. I am a SAHM and I had the conversation with my husband that yes, this is my job, but when he clocks out of work I clock out of my job too and we are both parents to our children and grown adults that take care of the home we live in together. Something I found helpful was to stop asking to take a shower or leave the house and just say I’m doing it and go. Sometimes I didn’t say it and just disappear to go to the bathroom and scroll on my phone for 30 minutes like he did, lol! You can tell them how you’re feeling, and you should! But sometimes it just doesn’t click until they are put in the same position. People treat you how you let them so it’s a good idea to set the tone for your expectations of parenting early so it doesn’t carry on and cause resentment later.
That is not too much to ask for. I’m so sorry that he does that to you. Idk if it’s just me, but I would lose it. Of course not in front of the child. But you need to stand firm. Tell him that you’re also exhausted. My husband is also an electrician. I understand that he’s tired too. But he also knows how taxing it is to solo parent while he’s gone at work. Don’t let him walk all over you. Set those boundaries!