I have heard from an OB on youtube that if you are having sex with someone of the opposite sex who can get you pregnant then it is always possible to matter what. Whether using condoms or birth control. But if you’re having sex it’s possible. Even if they say you’re infertile for other reasons
@Haley I was told I wouldn't be able to 🤷♀️ I had a feeling it wasn't right
it’s rare that bc makes you infertile from usage unless there’s something else going on. they wouldn’t give it if it made everyone infertile.
@Haley not saying it would do such just a chance in 1 in so many women 🙄 the doctor didn't even test to see
i wouldn’t stress yourself too much about it, you choose what’s going to work best for you
@Haley Ik I'm not gunna use it again cuase I didn't feel like my self
i get that. the pills made me feel that way.
@Haley I'm using depo n have the next shot in a few weeks n I'm not getting it cuase I feel off and sick
i’ve heard alot of people have issues with the depo shot
@Haley I only heard after I got the 1st one. So I'm not getting it again
i had nexplanon twice for a total of 6 years and took the pill for about 8 months afterwards and ended up pregnant three months after i came off of birthcontrol