Purple line?

Hey has anyone heard of the purple line to check for dilation - does anybody have any information on it?
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It’s a line that appears between your bum in labour. The more labour progresses, the longer the line goes so it can show how dilated you are without them having to do a vaginal check. I think people who don’t want vaginal checks use this method 😊

@Bethan do you think it work? I have one that's 5cm I'm 38 weeks and having all early labour signs but not active yet I'm just preying every day for labour now x

@Daniela From what I’ve heard it’s not 100% accurate but I only heard about it a few weeks and I plan to have the vaginal examinations so I haven’t looked too much into it!

Be interesting to know if anyone has one and it's correct from a cervical check, I have a midwife app Wednesday they might check me then cuz they've offered a sweep so I'll let you know x

Definitely ask your midwife about this she should know about it! My sister (midwife in training) said that not everyone gets them but the fact you already have one is promising!

@Kathryn this is the first day in a several days I've had no contractions (been having them hourly for 4 days now i think losinf track of days and time - day and night hourly contractions) ye from 6am this morning my last one and since then the lines got longer really strange hope it's a sign x

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