Hello. My daughter is the same she’s 7 weeks old. You’d think we have starved her taking her bottle away. As soon as the bottle touches her lips she stops again. she is on cow and gate comfort milk after struggling with wind but we had to change to size 2 teets as the milk is thicker. She was sick at first drinking too fast but we paced her and she’s used to the flow now. X
As for the poo I was told this is fine. If your worried though could try cool boiled water between feeds I was told to try get movement going x
My girl is the same! Just doesn’t like being disturbed when she’s feeding so I’ll sometimes pop in a dummy or just put the teat of the bottle back in to settle her before burping her but ultimately try to remember that I’m stopping to burp her so she isn’t in pain later on xx
@Alex I’m glad I’m not the only one. They’re so funny aren’t they🤣 xx
@Imogen Thanks Imogen, I’ll definitely try this! Xx
@Amy so funny and so dramatic 😂😂 xx
Our little boy is 8 week and does the same, when we take the bottle out to burp him he’s so dramatic like he’s never been fed before 😂 No idea if it’s normal, I’ve personally never seen someone burping their baby in public and it screaming so I figured our little boy was sensitive 😂