
My son is coming up 7 months on Thursday and we have been weaning on purées since he hit 6 months old. He’s lately starting to struggle having a poo and when he does they’re quite hard and not much of it. I think he’s constipated but sometimes he sounds like he’s in so much pain trying to poo. Has anyone else had this issue and what would you recommend to help?
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Lots of water and prune puree should help 🤞

I gave him some prune puree tonight so hopefully that’ll help move things along 🤞🏻

Agree with above, water and prune puree got my little boy going. Plenty of fibre too like brocolli, pears, whole grain bread pasta and rice and things like beans and chickpeas 😊

Prune puree and water worked like a dream!! Thank you all x

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