The threads were fine and when I had a copper coil it was fine to begin with but then I had a few stretches of months in a row where my period was super super heavy I had to change my tampon way more often and it was the higher absorbency ones and I would get massive back pain and cramps. I was glad to get it out when we started trying to conceive.
I had a copper coil but didn’t like it, shortened my cycle and made my periods heavier.. so switched to a mirena coil and has been much better, but it’s taken a few months for my periods to go back to how they were before I had any coil. Never felt the strings and neither has my partner
I had the copper IUD getting it put in was very painful and I had it for 2 years, for the first year periods were so irregular, painful and heavy but once I got through it it was great, they became regular again and not heavy at all was more normal, the strings weren’t an issue but partner could feel it, and when I got it removed my periods became irregular again even though it was supposed to be normal Overall if you have a high enough pain tolerance and patience I would recommend but if not then I definitely wouldn’t
I had the copper coil before having my son - I'd never suffered with any cramping or heavy bleeding until having it! My partner said he noticed the threads once but that was all!
I have the kyleena which is lower hormone and smaller than the mirena. Getting it put in was fine, similar to a smear. I've got short threads so even the nurse when I had my smear had to double check but I've had no issues and love that I have a really light period about every 3 months...
I had the copper because I couldn’t do hormonal bc because of my mental health meds. At first it was okay, my first couple of periods were super heavy though. But that symptom thankfully eased off. But it shifted and became painful, so I had it removed and got a new one after a year. That one was just painful all the time so I had it taken out completely. It works, but in my experience didn’t feel great. My partner could feel the string when the first one shifted, that wasn’t fun for him lol.
I'm on my 2nd copper coil now, and apart from my period being abit heavier it's great 🙂
I’ve heard bad things about the hormonal coil (mirena?) but I’ve had the copper coil twice now. First was when we were planning our family and I wanted to come off the hormonal contraceptive I was taking and allow my body to “normalise” itself before trying so I only had it in for 8-9 months. But within 2 months I was on regular cycles and when I had it removed it obviously didn’t change those cycles so that was a positive. After having my second child I opted for it again and I’ve never had any issues with it at all. I’ve asked my husband numerous times if he can feel anything and he only can if he’s actually looking for it (if you know what I mean 😅), otherwise I have no discomfort or bad side effects and feel totally in control of my body. I can even tell when I’m ovulating/due on etc. as it’s just totally natural hormones.
I will say about the mirena, I had two back to back and zero periods throughout (which were ridiculously heavy/long prior) . When I got it out to try to conceive I was worried about periods but they were super light and short, incredible. I think i had a consistent cycle within 2months, we were a bit relaxed trying for baby but successful after 8 months after removal :)
I might not be any help but I just barely got mine put in yesterday. I wanted something that wasn’t hormonal and I qualified for the copper iud. I would 1000% recommend getting it while on your period because your cervix is already dilated. Sounds weird I know. The insertion wasn’t painful at all. Idk if that’s because i was on my period or because I just had a baby 6 weeks ago. But my ob actually said it’s more comfortable if you are in your period. The only uncomfy part for me was the speculum…
I have the Mirena coil and although my periods are much lighter now, my PMS is so bad that I’m trying to get an appointment to have it removed. The physical and emotional symptoms I experience from 2 weeks before my period starts and whilst I’m on my period are another level and the worst I’ve ever experienced
I had mirena which is the hormone one (though very small hormone) and never noticed the threads at all (neither did my partner)