I would suggest to take maximum rest and more taking stairs and work
I had complete previa, they say it may move which is why they re check so think positive but also prepare for if it doesn’t move. It doesn’t affect your baby’s growth. Depending on your symptoms (I.e. if you get any bleeds) they might deliver early or let you go as close to your due date as they allow. Just take it easy no heavy lifting and rest as much as you can! Everything will be fine x
There’s still plenty of time for the placenta to move so try not to stress too much. Something like 9/10 move. If it doesn’t move then you can have a c section and if there’s no complications it will probably be around 39 weeks. I was advised to stick to moderate exercise but nothing strenuous and no sex. Being on bed rest isn’t necessary unless something else is going on. I had 2 cases of bleeding where I was monitored for 24 hours in hospital. I had a 3rd bleed at 31+4 which kept stopping and starting and ultimately led to an early c section. Even for being early my son was a really good weight and needed very little support. 3 weeks in the NICU and he was home and thriving. Weirdly, every time I bled I had been relaxing outside (garden party/the park) the day before.
I just don’t lift more than 20 pounds and no sexual activity and everything has been fine :)