For digitals, they require a higher amount of hcg. Also, if your test strips are getting darker, i wouldnt say its chemical because they would be getting lighter and go to negative if it were a chemical. I got faint lines on my easyathomes for days before the lines were getting darker.
With my previous pregnancy I tested positive 9dpo and positive with a digital 10dpo. I’m going to retest with my last FRER tomorrow. I just can’t shake a feeling that something is wrong. My period is due tomorrow so we shall see
I had the same last week, really faint like hardly anything there up until 15dpo then they were dark all of a sudden! I wouldn’t worry yet
What tests did you use? It looks as though my first response has got darker and it looks more visible on my easy at home today but I was expecting them to be darker
I think the digital tests (some) and a higher threshold