Fed up of testing and being let down a month in

So I miscarried in early Jan. It took me 5 weeks to get a negative test and I had a period around this time. My first month of trying again. For the last 5 days I have been convinced I can see shadows on tests but equally I'm realistic that it they were positive youd see some sort of progression now 😭 I'm just feeling so deflated
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I am the exact same as you! My MC was on Jan 2nd and i’ve just come on today. I was telling my sister before my period came that I have a feeling I’m pregnant and had a few symptoms that I had when I was pregnant previously. It took us so long with both our girls. I am so worried that it will take forever again! Just going to be positive and hope it happens this month ❤️ good luck and be positive Xx

@Laura Maya so shit isn't it X

In the same situation after miscarrying in jan aswell. I’m in that awkward stage of waiting now when my period is due in 6 days, have symptoms like hunger and increased appetite, occasional insomnia. But feeling like it’s my mind trying to tell me I’m pregnant when I’m actually not if that makes sense? It’s such a long process of the unknown. It’s so draining, and the only thing I think about 24/7!

@Tamsin I'm the exact same Feel like all mine looks like they have a shadow of a line and I have the same symptoms as you; my period is supposed to be due tomorrow according to my app Surely if I was pregnant it with be showing a lot clearer by now

I’ve been struggling with this too, I had a MMC in October 2024. Took 7 weeks for my period to come, each month since I’ve been praying for my positive pregnancy test 🥺😢

It’s very confusing. When I got pregnant before my symptoms were so strong and I just knew I was pregnant, and that was 5 days before period. Now seems nothing like that it feels like our minds are playing tricks. Maybe test in a couple days time?how strong are the lines you’re getting? Hoping the best for us both and everyone else in the same situation! X

I don’t know if this is good advice or not but maybe you could take the test that says ‘pregnant’ or ‘not pregnant’ tomorrow or a couple days time so at least you’re not looking for a line and can just read what it says instead maybe? Less based on what you see then

I can see the line on your test too, unfortunately though I agree with you that if it’s not getting darker at all after several days it could be a chemical

@Tamsin I took one a few days ago and it was negative They're so expensive tho 😅😅

I feel you! I'm still testing positive (albeit so faintly) 7 weeks post-miscarriage. I had retained tissue and waiting on another scan to see if it came away with my period (I'm doubting). Just want to try again for my 🌈

@Katrina took me 7 weeks to get a period after my D&C when I miscarried. I’ve been trying ever since and had no luck, I just feel so deflated by it all. Testing LH and tracking my BBT. I want another baby so bad. But I feel like it’s not going to happen. 🥺

So update

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