Your doing fine. That's around what I do. Infacol, burp each 10/20ml . Then I chest cuddles for 10 mins.put her back in sleep suit, further 5 mins mins on shoulder then transfer to moses/cot x
Okay perfect. I was just worried I wasn’t doing it enough Becuase I’ve seen a lot of people say that if you use infacol but don’t burp good enough that it can cause them a lot more pain a couple of hours later due to infacol taking all the small gas bubbles and making it in to 1 big one. But thank you both! Xx
My baby never burped! Came out as wind instead!
@Hayley yeah he does fart a lot actually. I was changing his nappy earlier and he decided to do a massive one so that was lovely. I do sometimes forget that wind counts as getting gas out and now just burps!
Sounds like enough. I did the same with mine. :) But maybe keep upright 15 min instead of 10. Helped mine from not vomiting.