Thank you so much. His 1st time ever and that cry this morning about broke me. Trying to give him 2 weeks to get adjusted.
It’s very normal! My son just turned 2, but has been going to daycare since 4 months old. He’s had ups and downs with drop-offs, but I noticed that between 18m-2years is when he seemed to really struggle with separation anxiety the most. I think they’re just at that age right now where they’re very attached to mom and dad and very aware of when we’re separated. Give it a few weeks—it should get better. One thing that seems to help for our little one is not lingering when saying goodbye at daycare. We give a firm hug and kiss, and then leave (making sure he sees us leave), but don’t stay and linger because that just gets him worked up. His daycare ladies always say he’s completely fine shortly after we leave, so hopefully it’s the same for your little one. But give it a few weeks. All that said, listen to your mama instincts. If something still feels really wrong after a few weeks, talk it over with the daycare people and maybe look at other options.
My son is 2 and has never been. He stays home with me. But I know one day I'll have to take him. I'm just so scared
@Emily thank you. That makes me feel better.
@Kat I thought I'd be tough but that first drop off I cried in the car.
My daughter has been in daycare since about six months. It has been one of the best things for her development as a working parent. The first two weeks were difficult, but it was one of the best investments for my family.
@Jacqueline I agree!! My husband and I are so happy we put our son in daycare. He’s learning so much!
If you were able to stay home with him the first 2 years, what changed? Did you get a job where you have to go in? Just wondering whether this was a necessity or if you just feel like you have to do this to start prepping him for school or something?
The first 2 weeks is the adjustment time. This is normal. Even with my LO switching from one day are to another was an adjustment. What I do is I give her a pep talk in the morning. “Isn’t miss nina so nice” “you are going to have so much fun with your friends” “what games do you think they will play today” and sometimes I answer my questions for her. Hope this helps!
@Bri necessity. If I could he'd be with me all the time but that's not feasible.
So so normal as others have said! My son switched daycares and it was an adjustment even- took him about a month. This is the stage too where their separation anxiety is at an all time high. I promise it gets better🤍
@Shajntara I'm sorry I know it's difficult. We had to make a lot of sacrifices so I could be home with them. I hope you don't have to and still can be with him.
this is his first time in daycare? and he’s 2 or about 2? from my experience as a childcare worker who has worked with toddlers before, it can be a HUGE adjustment for them. and not only for them, but the parents too. it’s going to be really really hard in the beginning, especially if he isn’t used to this type of setting. the advice i’d give my parents is in the beginning you give all the hugs and cuddles you need. then slowly start making those hugs shorter and shorter each day. i would also distract my kids when mom or dad would leave. they still notice, but having them doing something while you’re leaving does help. i hope it gets easier for you and your son soon! 🫶🏽