Make it play related you can do a lot
The science museum was our best friend because he was free until he turned 3…
Let him help sorting clothes out before washing teach life skills. My oldest is 4 and loads the washer , helps move to the dryer even starts it (with my help of course) we would make foam and add color and use it on the shower walls didn’t stain but teaching how to clean, let him watch you cook… just get creative keep it simple
@Jade we have been to the museum and navy pier had a very nice dinosaur exhibit over the weekend so we do get out I like the painting idea I wanna try that
@Jade he loves pulling clothes out the washer ok I’ll try that thank u momma
I went all-in on reading. My daughter learned at early two and my son is taking longer (my poor second child gets less individual instruction 🤣) but he is pretty close now. Once they learn to read, they can learn a lot on their own. Plus, along the way, you can teach a lot about emotions, empathy, and conflict resolution by talking about how the characters feel and react to each other. Being at home is also ideal for early potty training (after they show readiness). Personally I like that they get to practice making more of their own decisions and directing their day.
Washing dishes is my kids current favorite!
Besides the coloring and entertaining. I involved mine with the cooking and cleaning and grocery shopping. They really really enjoyed it now at 8,11,13 can cook some awesome dishes!
@Leya M wow I no u love those extra hands yes 🙌🏽 lord 😂 my son loves to grab the broom it’s way taller than him he’s only 18 months an he’s ready to clean I’ll have to order him a mini play broom and dust pan so he can help clean 😂
@Anna sounds like a a lot of u moms have extra help around the house I love this for y’all 😂 yes my son loves playing in water washing his hands and throwing toys inside water
@Bonny I agree with them being able to make their decisions and directing their interests I love that and thanks maybe I will try to explain to him how characters emotions feel in stories I read a lot to him but never explains in detail how the characters feel cause he’s only 1 I try that momma thanks . My son loves the bathroom I believe he will be pretty hood at potty training he always goes in their and lifts the toilet seat but I always make him leave the bathroom as I feel it’s not a safe place for him to be but maybe I’ll try soon on potty training like maybe when he gets closer to 2 over this summer
@Candace Marshall yeah! The cost of getting the dishes done is letting the toddler "prewash" them while splashing water everywhere. So many soap bubbles to play in! But hey at 2 she knows how to wash them! She just isn't any good at getting them clean.
@Candace Marshall It will be so cute!!! 😍
We do arts and crafts, independent play (mostly while I get stuff done), I got puzzles for her to do, a tonie box for music and stories, we’ve got blocks/toys, reading books, gymnastics, outside play time, she helps with chores, and we visit family often
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@Anna the way i just laughed so hard at u saying she doesn’t get anything cleaned 😂 adorable lease she is helping and trying to wash them I give her a A for afford 😂
@Katie I love visiting family cause I end up getting help with the babies 😂 wow u have gymnastics outside that’s really cool my son would love that he’s always trying to flip off the couch and land into a pile of pillows in the living room scares me half to death but he’s all smiles 😂
@Candace Marshall I love visiting family for the help too! Plus she has a cousin just a couple months younger than her so it gets her socialized. My daughter loves going to gymnastics! It’s organized chaos 😅
@Katie wat do they be doin thier 😂 lol u said organized chaotic yes having a sibling close in age is always a plus
Let him be apart of the daily tasks in the day. Washing dishes, laundry, identifying and preparing meals, set up and clean up, etc. Talk A LOT, explain things by using synonyms and go through the processes of what’s happening so he can practice reasoning skills. Look up executive functioning skills and try to add parts of it into the small things. For academics, sing abc’s but do it in a way that makes him think to participate, you say A, then he says B, you say C,he says D… Do that with numbers also. Ask him what he thinks about __ and why. Make him explain his thoughts and agree but add more info to teach him. Look at the weather and make hypothesis of what they say will be. There are more ideas online. Social is very important. Find ways for him to play with other children and be there so you can example the words to use. “Hi what are you doing? Can I try?… That’s too rough for me… What about this? Can we try it a new way?…. ,” etc. Even with rejection, encourage to try.
@Selam do u think a 1 year old is able to do all these things seems pretty advanced as far as the hypothesis he can’t even color with crayons without trying to eat them 😂 but thanks so much I love the idea of trying to prepare meals together with his little help and I love the talking a lot which I already do I talk to him about everything he’s advanced in that area
So I had a toddler during covid to teach her I ordered Bob books and read with her every day or night. I also did a bunch of mad libs with her. We watched a bunch of movies and TV shows on Netflix. We had timed tablet time. Played all day. Got her in kitchen and made homemade pizza or cookies or bread with her. Dance parties. Dress up days. Backyard days or park days. I was a teacher going thru student teaching at the time online and she'd sit in on my classes so if you're in school or doing anything they wanna be included.
Let him paint. Take him to different activities near you.. we have been to gardening classes, local libraries have activities for toddlers, get into Stem projects when my little was 18 months we did paintings, at pet stores pointing out animals, went to the zoo often