You’re unlikely to find something that will last a few years from newborn. Unfortunately while so many are marketed as newborn to 4 you will likely get an awful fit at newborn stage
Best option is an infant carrier until they outgrow it and then get an extended rear facing seat as they’ll last the longest. Avionaut pixel pro is a good infant carrier or maxi cosi cabriofix
Avionaut sky 2.0 is suitable from birth and will last till 25kg / 125cm That’s going to be your longest lasting one. Otherwise you’ll need an infant carrier and then swap to a 36kg seat when they’ve outgrown that which could be anywhere from 12 months x
We love our Besafe stretch, they do a “Besafe stretch B” that comes with inserts that make it suitable from birth to 36kg/125cm. Think I’ll get this for my second and skip the infant carrier. I think there’s only this one and the Avionaut sky give a good fit from birth (assuming a full term baby, they do both have lower limits)
Avionaut sky xx
Cybex cloud T and then move into the cybex sirona x