Car seats

When is everyone thinking of turning their LO to front facing in their car seat ?? My LO is tall for 18 months so worried about his legs rear facing
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Hey, we changed to the front facing as he was just too squashed and way too big for the baby car seat, and he absolutely loves his big boy seat! Do it when you're ready to! X

Hoping to stay rear facing until he's 4 or 5 as it's so much safer. We'll keep him rear facing as long as possible. Being tall doesn't cause a problem for rear facing, you don't have to worry about his legs, it's not uncomfortable for them and doesn't cause any issues.

Personally, I won’t be until my little one is either actively complaining that she hates it (she doesn’t) or she maxes out the car seats for rear facing..I would happily buy another one with a higher weight limit to keep her rear facing for as long as possible. Rear facing is always recommended as the best option, please look into the research of rear facing for longer.. it’s far more safer than forward facing at this age! Someone may correct me here but I think although it is legal to FF at 15 months old, it’s actually recommended until 4? (Someone correct me if I’m wrong!)

We've got a Axkid that will rear face until approx 7 years old. Our LO is tall though so more realistically 6 I imagine for her. We have chosen to rear face as long as physically possible as it's much safer.

Long legs are never a reason to forward face. My son is in an Axkid Minikid 2 which, based on his growth centiles, will last until he’s 6 or 7 years old x

@Jessica please research car seat safety 😞

Absolutely not until at least 5. We have an axkid minikid 4 and britax romer max safe pro both rear facing until 125cm / 36kg

@Sammie you can tag all the other mums who have changed to front facing as well. #dontmumshame. #bekind

@Jessica it’s not mum shaming. Please do research and rear facing until at least 5 when their bones have ossified. “Children under 2 are 75% less likely to die in a car crash if they are rear facing”

@Sammie, it is mum shaming. You just tagged me in front of everyone on here to tell me to, "do my research," how is that not mum shaming? You could of just commented, without tagging anyone and advised people to do more research. So yeah, you did mum shame! Off now to go and do more "research".

Just this weeken! She’s 17 month xx

No. Its too dangerous! Their heads are so big and heavy that in a crash they move so much they can be internally decapitated! Legs are not a reason to switch. Stay rear facing for as long as you can. I would. I mean it's up to you really.

@Jessica I second this, it’s absolutely mum shaming 🙈 everyone can make their own choices for their own children, whether or not someone else agrees just keep your opinions to yourselves. We are still rear facing for as long as feasible in our seat. I will reconsider around 2/2.5 if we haven’t already. 🙂

We won't be rare facing before the age of five. The longer rare facing the better!

Please do some research into carseat safety before you make a decision. Long legs is not a reason to switch to forward facing but I'm sure you'll do what you think is best for your child. I won't be switching my wee one to forward facing until they are around 4 or 5 years old

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Both of my children (4.5 year old and 18 month old) are super tall. Way off the height chart and tower over other children. I still didn’t turn my 1st born front facing till she was nearly 3, even with her long legs she still found a way to sit rear facing. I only turned her just before her 3rd birthday because she was so travel sick and would throw up even on a 5 minute drive rear facing. My 18 month old will stay rear facing for as long (ideally as close to 4 years old unless we experience travel sickness like my 1st born) as possible and he is already 95cm in height xx

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