@Chloe definitely a shock being back in the trenches! 🤣 but we have perspective this time which really helps. I can’t wait to take them out on days out together where they can both play xx
Oh yes same that will be so nice! When they can interact life will be better and cuter hahaha
Super excited for the first smile and first laugh and yes can’t wait for sitting up and crawling so the playing can start!
@Emily Timbrell they are definitely less frustrated once they get on the move! Xx
Definitely feel this! My first was a breeze but juggling a newborn and a 2 year old had been more difficult than expected! Spring and summer are on the way, I can’t wait for nicer weather and playing in the garden. Also keep thinking of first Christmas with a nearly 1 year old and Easter egg hunt next year 🥰 I can’t wait for them to be able to play together ❤️
I completely hated the new born stage the first time around thought it was the worst time of my life but not having sleep for 2 years having an autistic son hasn’t been easy I’ve found the new born stage is a breeze this time around I’m loving every minute of it (now I no how fast it goes I don’t want to miss anything) but that’s just my experience. It’s understandable to not enjoy the new born stage because it’s so hard and that “village” in some cases is non existent
Oh yes! It's hard being back in the trenches haha but at least this time we know it gets better, there's a light at the end of the tunnel! I like it when you can go to soft plays/toddler groups and they can actually play with the toys