Did you test negative before? I would be worried this is still left over HCG. Mine took 3 months clear. But other than that congratulations m you will be nervous the whole time. All the best
@Sonia yes ma’am I had 0 HCG blood test like a month ago and had many negative test since then! I was also worried of this as well though, like I had some hidden secret HCG left over from the baby. But I should be good I’m thinking
Congratulations!!! Best of luck and I wish you all the best! I got pregnant in about the time amount of time as my miscarriage and everything was smooth sailing. I hope the same for you💜
You got this momma! May that baby stick 🫶🏽🫶🏽🫶🏽
Your story is carbon copy of mine. We had a loss January last year. 7 weeks later has a positive test. We now have healthy almost 5 month twins!
Congratulations! Wishing you all the best with your pregnancy! I’m still bleeding 2 weeks after my miscarriage. It feels like such a waiting game and can’t wait to hopefully be where you are soon xx
@Sophie you got this love! here if you ever need somebody