
My daughter is going to be three soon, and she always wants to change the channel. So I am very curious with some advice, about how to curve that or anything like that. Because it is very constant and very annoying. Now I’m regretting putting the TV on in the first place for her.
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How much screen time is she getting a day?

@Monica I’m ashamed to say but I usually have her watch it most of the day and when she is napping and going to sleep at night. I know that’s really bad but I don’t know what else to do 🥺

@Sydnee mine 3 year old does that when she has had too much and is bored. I overdo screen time too sometimes. It’s kind of the problem of today’s world. I would encourage you to turn it off and see what happens. My kids will be fussy for a little bit but then they find things to do. If you’re looking for things to do, you can read books, play in the bath, color, do play doh, sing songs, just hang out, have her help with things. When I do laundry, I have a small pile for her to “do” which really means mess with.

@Sydnee So I wanna say I am not judging at all! When my daughter was a baby I really did overdo screen time. Then when she turned 2 I cut it down to a few hours a day. Now she gets 1 movie a day and most of the time we only get halfway through it because of bedtime routine and nighttime chores. That being said about two months ago I visited my mom for a month and because I wasn’t at my own home I really just stuck her in front of the tv because I didn’t know what else to do. But as soon as we got back home js when I made that 1 movie a day transition and she is thriving! I can post a pic of what our typical day looks like if you’d like just to give an idea! But don’t beat yourself up just tell yourself something has to change and no one can do it but you! ♥️

I have 2 kids and they fight about what to watch, I just say if you don’t like what I put on or can’t agree, I’m gonna turn it off. And that works for us because they’d rather watch what I pick than nothing

@Danielle yeah I try to do other things for her to do. But she is drawn to the TV but sometimes she is able to escape it! But it sucks. :(

@Monica thank you ! I appreciate this ! It’s so hard sometimes and I’ll message you !!

@Seens yeah my daughter always says mommy change it and it either makes me mad and just want to turn it off, but then she crys and I give up. It’s so hard :(

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