We started with having a potty in the toilet, nappy off in the house, and constantly asking if she needs a wee, then after a couple of days ventured out. Wee before leaving. Accidents, but was done within 2 weeks. Poos took longer! And still some days she refuses :) (history of holding it in) x
It’s best to just go for it, pull-ups give mixed signals and makes it harder for them to understand. We spent three days at home where our daughter went bare bum and we put her on her potty every 20 minutes, if she had a wee we gave her a sticker for her reward chart, 2 for a poop. On day 4 we introduced knickers, and still put her on the potty every 20 minutes. There was lots of accidents but lots of praises goes a long way. She is not fully day and night potty trained.
We followed the Big Little Feelings potty training course and our daughter smashed it :-)
We just read Pirate Pete and then went straight to boxers and pants for our son. 100% accidents for three days but he hated being wet. Then it just clicked. By day 10 80-90% success rate (poos took longer than wees) 98% now. (2 months on) Although we do get accidents if he’s really tired or distracted sometimes.