Constipation help

Can anyone give me any tips on how to help a constipated toddler? My son is 17 months and has been transitioning over to oat milk from formula the past few weeks… At first he seemed to be taking to it fine until we got up to 6oz oat milk to 3oz formula… now he’s unable to poop! He’s on his 5th day now (normally he goes at least once a day) He’s got lactulose which I’ve been giving him the max dose of for the past 2 days, I’ve been doing all the leg motions, tummy massages, fresh apple & orange juice to drink, I’ve put Vaseline on a cotton bud and wiped around his bum hole to help anything slide out. He’s now completely off his food and is only drinking maybe 2/3oz of milk from each of his 3 9oz bottles a day. He’s not sleeping, he wakes up every 30 mins scrunching his legs up and crying out. I am going to ring the doctors in the morning to see if they can help but I just want him to poo and be back to his happy little self again 😭 Photo of him asleep on me earlier today as it’s the only place he’ll settle right now 💔
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try prune juice, I use the ellas prune pouch. my son suffers from constipation. it usually works within a day, hope it works it's hard to see them in pain.

@Pam yeah I thought about those as he used to have them a lot as a baby. I’m gonna go down to Asda in the morning and get some for him. Xx

Similar thing happend to my LO one few days back.. He had very very hard poo poo n his face colour would change from red to purple almost. Ge stopped eating almost everything first n then just little bit milk.. He actually started vomiting quite badly too.. Last few days i had been giving him orange juice.. weetabix, spinach.. Its slowly helping him n his vomiting seems to stop

Give some apples or prunes

Go to the doctor they will give you a prescription! I had my boy being constipated around that time and he got to the point of being terrified to do it as was hurting his! Don’t wait!

@Stacey hows the lo? did the prune pouch help?

Olive oil and nut butters as well, oil the pipes helps. Fibre sometimes isn't enough. Also lots of water! And squatting and running relays "games" haha Also cut out banana

@Pam yes it was like magic haha within a few hours he’d pood, he strained a bit but got it out and has been a lot happier since. Going to keep up the prunes over the next few days to make sure he doesn’t bung up again xx

@Alex thank you, I’ve had him drinking lots more water to see if it helps. He can’t have any nuts due to allergies but I’ll try olive oil when cooking for him to see if that helps further. Xx

I've stacked up on the prune pouches since my lo has been on solids and full fat milk he has occasional days where he needs abit of help.

Suppositories always work; my son always pops within 10 minutes. However, plant-based drinks like oat milk , are not recommended for babies under 2, as they do not provide the nutrition your baby needs. You should consult a paediatrician before

@Alexandra my son is under the allergy clinic and a dietician as well as multiple teams for various health problems so I am following their advice. He’s allergic to cows milk, soya, all nuts and so is limited to what milk he can go onto unfortunately. Thank you though for showing concern over him getting what he needs x

@Stacey Blueberries 🫐 work every time!

We have been prescribed movicol infant to put in my toddlers water, as lactulose and all the prunes etc were not working. Maybe see if the dr can prescribe for you? We alter how much she has in her water depending on if she is regular or not! Hope he gets help soon it’s awful for them, and you! X

@Nyosha blueberries are literally his favourite so I went and bought loads.. and he’s refused to eat them lol. Typical isn’t it xx

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@Hollie thank you, I think I will definitely reach out to the GP about it as he’s now been but he doesn’t seem anymore comfortable for it xx

Generally the recommendation is to remove bananas and apples from their diet as both can cause constipation. You want to keep store bought dry type snacks to a minimum (think biscotti, bars etc) and instead offer dried fruit (I make my LO blitzed up dried fruit snack bars), get as much veg and fruit into them as possible (pears with skin on and prunes especially good for constipation), and then you want to increase soluble fibre by swapping white grains to whole grain etc. Water can play a big part too, so make sure you’re offering it all the time 😊

@Stacey I'm sorry, please let us know how it all works out.

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