How should she be penalized? Highschool girl hits an opponent in the head with a baton during the relay race.

The girl suffered a concussion and possible skull fracture.
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Charged & banned forever. It’s not like custom to even touch opponents in that sport like football for example. You don’t even touch your teammate. Y’all just run and trade off the baton. I don’t remember the video, but unless it can be proved as an accident, but I don’t recall it looking that way when I watched it.

She cracked that girls skull she needs to be banned and charged

Who picked banned temporarily? She should be charged for sure

That's a criminal offence so yes, police should be involved

Was it on accident?

I don’t think kids should be punished for life for crimes/mistakes they make. Reformation efforts should always be exhausted first. She’s a high schooler, let’s remember that.

I just watched the video. It was very deliberate. As a high schooler, she knows right from wrong and should be charged with assault. I don't think she should be charged as an adult but should face the juvenile court system and attempts to reform her behavior should be made. I also don't think she should be allowed to participate in the sport again.

First and second I clicked the wrong thing

This is what she said during an interview. "So, you're physically hurt, but you're not thinking about my mental."

I just watched the video it looks like she swung twice?

I like how she’s gonna role with the excuse that she was to close n that’s how she got hit. U can clearly see the motion of her arm raised back over her head b4 she hit her & she just kept right on running. And the parents r upset bc of how long of a drive it is to the court. She only crying the blues bc she ain’t getting away with it

I feel that she would have responded differently if it was truly an accident. She seems demented.

banned from racing forever & charged w assault.

@Shukri I agree. All data we have on the issue also supports this approach. Although we shouldn’t need that to have compassion towards children.

As a parent I'd be charging the girl. And the school should ban her from all sports and competition permanently. It wasn't an accident. She wound up for that hit. Never stopped running after making contact. Never even went to to the runner after to check on her and apologize.

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Y she hit her?


@Shukri it’s not a black and white thing We had a kid here that stole packages because it was fun and a man almost died because the kid took the man’s meds that were delivered And we had a kid in middle school sa an elementary school kid and he went to Juvie and now has an aid supervision 24/7 and can’t join any activities Also look at it from the standpoint of those affected o they were minors who caused harm does that mean once they are 18 it’s magically gone and the pain and hurt is gone to?

Idk what this is about. but I clicked on 'accident' because it sounds like an accident. I haven't seen this said video... ?

I have seen the video and it was 100% on purpose. This girl claims it was an accident but there's no freaking way. And then her mom being like "I don't need to see the video, I know she didn't do it" like...okay, enabler.

@SquishyMommy1 yes it absolutely was seen from all angles the women here are quick to condemn people and nail her to the cross! In the era of Trump where is compassion,grace, and forgiveness?No where to be found in here minus one or two ppl! It's no wonder children are raised to be so cold ,cruel and heartless look at these parents here it seems like that's what's trending nowadays...real nasty work... I am so glad I didn't grow up in this time/era 😭 and I know what Jesus says about forgiveness 🙏🏾 maybe a few of you need a reminder!

If it was on purpose the girl should be charged with assault.

There's a link to the incident ^ this was NO accident. That girl swung that baton. Even one of the news hosts gasps

Idk how anyone could watch, especially from the 2 or 3 different angles caught and STILL say it was an accident. The victim has a fractured skull. The girl was running normal before she was passed and then swung her arm back and hit the girl. Runners are trained to run with a baton and how to pass it and how to hold it. She 100% deliberately hit that girl and she needs to deal with the consequences.

@Melissa I never mentioned race… The first comment was actually made by @Macdalia, calling for her to be charged and banned for life - which I thought was harsh, considering how young she is. But since we’re on the subject of race, the reality is that outcomes are almost always worse for Black people, whether innocent or guilty, from the judicial system to the medical field. The statistics speak for themselves: Black people are convicted at higher rates than their white counterparts, are more likely to be sentenced, and often receive harsher punishments for the same crimes. Even in healthcare, Black mothers are more than twice as likely to die during childbirth compared to white mothers - but sure, “it’s never about race.” Racism is merely a delusion that exists solely in the collective Black mind. Ironically, harsh punishment, like incarceration or social isolation, often increases the likelihood of reoffending not decrease it, but of course, that’s by design.

@Shukri I don’t think @Melissa was talking about race when she said black and white. It’s a figure of speech meaning that there is more nuance to the situation than the two opposite views allow. I could be wrong tho.

@Shukri I only read your part about my comment, but what she did was a crime. Again - in that sport, you don’t make physical contact with your own teammate - let alone the opponent. I didn’t say she should be tried as an adult necessarily. She’s young and I’m sure it was impulsive anger on why she did that, but I also doubt that’s the first time someone passed her in a race leading to a loss. And banned for life. I mean she’s already in high school, so it’s just the rest of that and college if she goes. But the amount of damage that was done to the other girl (concussion & skull fracture) that can alter her for the rest of her life. And those aren’t expected injuries within that sport. If a teen bashed your head in just because she was gonna lose a game, then I’d hope there would be consequences and justice for you too.

@Shukri Now after reading the rest of your comment - without reading whatever comments may have come before - I don’t disagree with you at all. We do tend to get harsher realities. But in some instances, it doesn’t mean we always need lighter consequences (though many times we do) but also judge our palm colored peers the same way with harsher realities when deserving versus a slap on the wrist. She probably will get something worse than a palm colored teen would get. Doesn’t mean she needs a lighter sentence but maybe the palm colored ones need a harsher one as well.

And also she can get anger management, community service, a ban, restitution or sued for the medical bills and trauma by the girl, and get an expunged or sealed record. It doesn’t have to be a harsh punishment, but it was a crime so there should be a charge.

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@Macdalia honestly, I wasn’t talking about race at all. I genuinely believe, young people (of any colour, gender etc,), whose frontal lobes haven’t fully developed, should be given opportunities to redeem themselves. That’s not to say they shouldn’t suffer consequences, just not permanent ones, hence I said, reformative efforts should be exhausted first. I realise some people need to be permanently banned, because they’re a danger to others, but most young people could greatly benefit from societal grace.

@Shukri I hear you & I could tell by your comment that’s not the way you were trying to go. That’s why I mentioned I wasn’t going to read the above comments cause I ain’t wanna get sucked into it either or read something an online irrelevant person said then get pissed off 😂 And I do hope most of her consequences are reformative. Banned cause like you said she’s a danger, but hopefully anger management & impulse control. Therapy on where that anger was truly stemming from. Again the family can always sue separately. And however it ends can hopefully lead to a seal or expungement which can be expensive, but least an option.

The girl who was hit could have lifelong struggles because of this. Having a TBI is no joke.

That’s interesting @Victoria~, considering my comment was one of few and certainly the first to mention reformation, as a pose to punitive measures, one would think I was adding nuance to the discussion, no? Also, “it’s not a black and white thing” instead of “it’s not black and white” or “clear cut” I don’t know. Again arguing for punitive measures is so black & white. Reformation, social inclusion and the impact these things have on rehabilitation, understanding the data, I could be wrong but that’s the definition of nuance. Either way, happy to be proven wrong and happy to apologise if I am.

@Shukri I’m assuming the contrasting opinions in this situation are punishment vs reformation and she was suggesting there should be something in between. I wasn’t trying to start an argument with u or say your opinion isnt nuanced tho just explaining what I think she meant

I didn’t argue or say you’re trying to argue. You made an assumption regarding someone’s intentions, as did I. I was highlighting the points that made me reach the conclusion I did. Some people were in favour of punishment, some argued for rehabilitation, if there’s a 3rd opinion, state it. Like I said, I’m happy to be wrong.

As someone who works in juvenile justice I think I have a unique perspective. Being charged as a juvenile doesn’t necessarily mean jail time, it can be restorative and rehabilitation as well, anger management, restitution, community service etc

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