I can’t wait to see second scan. It kicked me and then sucked its thumb during the scan lol
@Yasmin gorgeous! Did you decide to get a blood test to find out? We nearly went down that road as I couldn't wait much longer 🥹❤️ it's not that it even mattered what the answer was I just wanted to know haha.
@Charlie sorry, that wasn’t clear. We’re waiting until the baby is here to find out. 5 and a bit months left but who’s counting 😂🫠
@Yasmin honestly your patience is admirable 🤭 it'll be such a rewarding experience and add to the special feels of meeting them though! 🥹🥹❤️
@Claire the little hands 🥹🥹 beautiful! not long now 🤞🏻 feels like ages between scans to go without seeing them doesn't it? 😭