After we started properly potty training he had pretty much mastered it after one day. Every child is different though, my older boy took a lot longer, he took several weeks
I did the 3 day method during Christmas holidays and my boy is now fully toilet trained night and day at home and at nursery, I can send you the link to the audiobook i listened to if it helps 😊 my boy was 21 months when I potty trained him and next month he will be 2
Amazing! That’s girls really appreciate it, my little one tells me when he’s done a poo ok his nappy which makes me think he’s ready for a potty x
I say ‘successful’, my daughter is fully potty trained in the home, both wee and poo, without trousers/pants on. Has been for about 4w. She takes herself off for a wee, and is completely self sufficient. in trousers/pants, she is aware she needs a wee, can communicate it and I can pull them down. However she cannot do it herself, so if not being watched or prompted she can have accidents. She has less accidents with pants, than trousers. Out and about it varies (local walks to park,garden, she’s fine), she has amazing bladder control so sometimes holds it whilst we’re out (I offer potty but she refuses when out currently), we have had two accidents early in the morning in the car. I have also put her in a nappy whilst out, and she’s held it the entire time, asked for a wee as soon as home. took 4 solid days to potty train commando at home, 1st day was tough. she has been sitting on potty since last autumn. Currently working on pulling down pants! LO loves being potty trained!💕