Yes I Take it everyday without a break
Then it's likely your body getting used to it. If it is heavy or continues, then return to the gp as they may want to amend your medication
I went back into this pill after pregnancy and I was constantly bleeding, wasn’t a lot but it was enough. I went for an internal to ensure everything is ok & it just come down to “break through” bleeding. They then switched me back over to the other pill and say the benefits outweigh the risks for me. Now I take continuously for 3 months and then have a weeks break and have had no bleeding since then.
Are you taking it every day consistently without a break? If so, it may just be breakthrough bleeding. Sometimes if you're on a tricycling or a continuous regime, it takes your body some time to get used to not having a period. Progesterone also works in the body by breaking down the uterine lining, therefore if there is enough of a lining there to shed, you will bleed.