When my LO was going through this i would just take away every toy that he threw at me eventually he was left with hardly any toys and i would put them back at the end of the day now i dont get anything thrown at me. The HV said its a phase they go through am now going through it with my one year old but ive now learnt and he only has soft balls to throw
Everytime he throws something without saying anything take the toy and put it in a basket he can’t reach. He will soon be left with nothing. Kids aren’t stupid - he will soon get it. Consistency is key
I can’t give advice on the throwing but you’re not messing him up by giving yourself time to breathe, if anything it’s the opposite as you’re mindful you need time to compose yourself etc! Maybe try your best to ignore it and just let him know that throwing and hurting mummy isn’t very kind, it might simply be just a case of testing boundaries as he feels safe enough with you to do so x