“Are you secretly stalking us? Because this is a lot of specific questions mom” and then chuckle. This is SUPER odd. Either the questions will stop, or then your partner can say that you’ve already had the conversation and it really creeps you guys out that she’s watching your house so closely and that you’re grown and you can take care of yourselves and she doesn’t need to worry about what’s going on at your house at all hours And my suggestion is for your partner to say this and not you
lol just let her know all the activity she sees is normal so far but if anything looks sketchy to let you know right away so you can check it out.
She wants to move in, just let her! I'm just kidding 🤪. I agree with @Ali and @Kris.
@Ali 💯
Girl y’all should move lmfaooo..I couldn’t deal w that.
You & baby is his main priority. Not her. & it’s up 2 you when & how often she can visit. Bc she’s not entitled 2 that privilege especially if she’s overstepping boundaries.
She also started a drama when our LO was only a few weeks old about how we weren’t letting her visit enough (totally false as she was there the morning after birth then days on end after) and she seems to think we have other people over constantly so I’m unsure if this is her checking to see if we have visitors constantly as she feels like we aren’t prioritising her? God knows