If he's choking on the ones that say 6 months plus then use the size before that. Follow his lead
@Kai @Kai thanks for your response ! do you know how many sizes are there? is there an other size after 3 or is it Y?
My prem twin babies have all been in nicu and they had problems latching very gassy babies etc. The nicu recommended Dr Brown bottles because they have a venting section of the bottle that allows the air bubbles to escape and not get trapped in your babies belly so Less gassy babies Less fussy babies. Each test has a number according and is clearly labelled on the teat age specific snd desired flow but for young babies 0 to 6 months you're more likely wanting to have a slow flow but some babies that age like the medium flow I know one twin liked the slow flow and the other twin liked the medium flow but I find these Dr Brown bottles Amazing I tried to tip you but my baby got too gassyand fast too much. Dr Brown's hands down. I would highly recommend.
If baby is happy, no need to change.
@Rose my understanding is most brands are size 0, 1, 2, 3, then 4 is the Y cut. Every brand is a little different though
Usually you can buy jsuy the nipples and switch them out of the bottle tops
@Kai Thank you so much that helps a lot ! xx
So the y cut is the oldest age/size. The size/age recommendations are just that: recommendations. Follow your baby's lead. My son is 8 months and on level 3 nipples (Dr. Browns brand) but he also eats lots and fast by his choice, we moved him up nipple sizes early because he was sucking so hard the nipples would flatten and nothing would come out.