Silent reflux or something else?

Over 1 month old little boy every time he has his bottle he cries and struggles even whilst drinking it, hates being burped, looks like he’s straining and going red faced! Looks so uncomfortable bless his heart. And then is sick for ages after, either sick the whole bottle or just small watery bits of sick throughout the day so feel we can’t ever really lay him flat. He’s only quiet when he’s asleep otherwise seems unhappy :(
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Has tongue tie been checked as a cause of reflux and feeding issue?

Milk allergy?

@Gem he’s on nutramigen already x

@Jazmin yes no tongue tie x

@Sonia both of mine texted to nuttamigen so needed amino acid milk

@Sonia I felt like I could've wrote this, going through exactly the same with my 6 week old girl who's been on nutramigen for over a week now. She's also on gaviscon which doesn't seem to be helping so I'm starting to wonder if it's the formula. I'm hanging out for the 2 week adjustment period and then going back to the Dr's to discuss another formula

@Toni oh bless you, it’s horrible isn’t it. Poor babies! And I will be doing exactly the same as you. They gave us gaviscon last night and for a second i thought it was working as he didn’t throw up last night but this morning it looks like he’s back to the same problems again ☹️ please let me know how you get on! x

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