Milk allergy?
@Gem he’s on nutramigen already x
@Jazmin yes no tongue tie x
@Sonia both of mine texted to nuttamigen so needed amino acid milk
@Sonia I felt like I could've wrote this, going through exactly the same with my 6 week old girl who's been on nutramigen for over a week now. She's also on gaviscon which doesn't seem to be helping so I'm starting to wonder if it's the formula. I'm hanging out for the 2 week adjustment period and then going back to the Dr's to discuss another formula
@Toni oh bless you, it’s horrible isn’t it. Poor babies! And I will be doing exactly the same as you. They gave us gaviscon last night and for a second i thought it was working as he didn’t throw up last night but this morning it looks like he’s back to the same problems again ☹️ please let me know how you get on! x
Has tongue tie been checked as a cause of reflux and feeding issue?