Same as you, very loose routine but it’s completely baby led. It’s more he has his own little pattern rather than a routine- definitely varies day to day
Very loose routine because I have a toddler and he seems to enjoy routine. For example if we don’t go up to bed around 8:30/9pm he gets a bit moany even though he can sleep in his downstairs cot 😅 Besides wake up times, I’m baby led in the day. He still sleeps a lot with very minimal wake windows so we just go with the flow and he just fits in with my toddler 😅
No routine at all, just go with what he wants on the day ☺️
Started introducing some routine but it’s definitely whether she feels like it or not! I try to stick to a bath time at 8PM, feed and reading, hopefully asleep at 9PM and she’ll sleep through until her night feed at 2-3AM… yesterday we went to bed at 11.30 😂
Thank you everyone! Nice to know it’s pretty much the same across the board! I feel like social media paints a very different picture sometimes so it’s good to know we’re on the right lines!
My 10 week old has roughly just STARTED getting into a pattern rather than a routine. Followed her lead and she’s doing well! We’ll figure it out when we need to!
9 weeks in, very loose routine still. Most babies are 4 months old before they really have a routine I was told
My little one is 6 weeks tomorrow He sticks to a rough routine I.e bottle every 3-4 hours But I just follow his lead completely Baby no3, so he’s very laid back 😂
My daughter is 9 weeks and i just have a loose routine the only thing i really try to keep the same is her last nap to end by 8/8:30 so she can have a bath and bottle and go to bed as it takes her a while to go into her cot still
We don’t have a routine but we do things consistently so it gets her used to a routine xx
Very loose routine here, but that’s mostly because I really enjoy my lunchtime co-sleep nap that we’ve started to do every day. One day she didn’t go down for it, and I was so sad 😅
During the day I wake my son every 4 hourly for a feed to keep him topped up during the day, I then give him a bottle around 12pm then he will sleep until 6/7am x
I keep my son in a routine as he fits into my 2 year olds routine so it just helps me personally x
Our 6 week old has sort of fell into a routine because we already have a 2 year old who is in one so it's sort of happened naturally. But she has a bottle every 2 to 3 hours, and we go to bed about an hour after my toddler every night after her last bottle. The night feeds are more predictable that way. X
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We don't really have a routine, we put him to bed between 7-9pm, that's the only thing we are consistent on 😅
Nope. We won’t be even attempting a routine until she’s 4 months. We are following her lead for now whilst she is still learning to be out of the womb.