@Victoria he’s just been put on a cows milk free formula but it’s only the 2nd day on it how soon did you see improvement? X
Quite quickly, it took a few days for it to get out of her system but she wasn't reacting to the formula when eating. Maybe it could be silent reflux if your LO isn't vomiting?
Oh maybe I have an appointment with the doctors next week for him anyways so if it’s still happening I’ll bring it up then. Thank you!!
We had this, where ours was inconsolable. Screaming in pain. She has CMPA (cow milk protein allergy). I would recommend just making a note of when it happens, symptoms (eg. Pulling legs to chest, vomiting, gassy) and mentioning it to your HV. Also take note of poops too, such as colour, texture and how often? It could be an array of things such as reflux. They will help you make an informed decision of how you would like to investigate.