Do you know someone or are you that someone?

Do you know someone or are you that someone who gets mad at accidents? Like dropping & breaking something. For example: my husband just dropped a plate that had half of the dinner made on it and got so mad.. I personally was like it’s ok.. it’s an accident I can remake it.. and he just continued being extra pissy and is now saying it’s not ok &he doesn’t want to eat. Like chillll my dude, accidents happen… it’s not that serious..
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Most things no but your example I would be mad. When I screw up any food related thing I get crazy angry lol I once dyed all my daughter’s white clothes pink because of a maroon dress. No big deal. I’ve broken so so many things. Don’t care. Spill a cup of coffee. RAGE!

I feel like people who get pissy stims from alot of childhood stuff . How there parents reacted to them . I tend to get very pissy but I'm unlearning to teach my kid it's ok accidents happen

Agree with Jillien. Growing up I would always get in trouble for accidents. My dad got mad at everything. My husband has been the one to try to teach me that you don’t need to get mad at accidents. It was honestly such a confusing thing for me when we first got together. I am doing much better with it and trying to not get mad at my kids when they have accidents. But yeah. Definitely goes back to how I was raised

Yess I got upset about accidents a lot before my daughter and I think it’s because of the way my parents reacted to accidents. I’m trying to stop the cycle with my daughter and be calm and tell her that accidents happen and let her help clean up

Could also be depression related that makes you super irritable. Spilled oatmeal really was the end of the world when I was postpartum. Lord have mercy, it was the end of the world. I can't even believe how big of a deal that was now.

It depends on what happens. My distaste for accidents and things going wrong is absolutely a trauma response unfortunately, working hard at undoing it

I’m like this but went through loads of trauma and I’m trying to retrain my brain to think that accidents happen and they’re okay

@Tessa I agree. For me, it depends on the situation. The smallest inconveniences cause me rage, but if my son has an accident in his underwear, I don’t get mad….for example.

lololol i used to be that person that would yell at the door if i bumped into it 😭 😂 so i get it. thankfully ive learned to CHILL out

I used to be like this, but I learned to let accidents be accidents as I got older because being mad doesn't change what happened. I also used to get in trouble for accidents as a kid and used to get scared if I ever made one

@Jessica not oatmeal but I feel the same about many situations that happened postpartum now that my daughter is 3.

Dude sounds like he needs some THC or CBD and to bust a good nut and he'll be just fine! 😂🤣😂

I think that’s different because he dropped a plate of food that you made. So maybe he feels bad about that. I would be more upset if I ruined something that someone else did but I wouldn’t be mad mad - more like annoyed with myself.

I am the accident, last week smashed slow cooker all over floor with stew in 🫠🫣

I agree with Jillian. I don’t get mad when my husband or daughter do it I can get slightly annoyed but I’m more calm and collected with them but I do something like spilling coffee or dropping my plate of food instant rage at myself. I think it stems from childhood truly. I can’t tell you if my parents were like that or one of my siblings as I have apparently blocked out majority of my younger childhood memories from a trauma in them.

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Yeah this is me…. I get so frustrated with myself when I do something like this and waste my time that I go into a weird frame of mind where I like punish myself by then not having dinner?! I have no idea why

Sometimes I find myself getting mad about an accident (im currently preg with baby 2 and this time around I have like pregnancy rage bad🥲) but I've been working on it. So it doesn't take me long at all to calm down and be like 'its chill it was an accident. Deal with it and move on'

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