I put a warm wet muslin over the top of them in the bath and it keeps them happy and warmer for longer in the bath x
I do the same as Laura! We got some big muslins from Sainsbury’s that go under baby and over the top to wrap up warm! 🥰
My LO is 14 weeks and still hates bath time. I did change it up last time, I used to do it in a cold room but this time I tried in the bathroom after the shower har run so it was nice and warm. She tolerated it, but didn’t love it.
@Laura & @Jess that's what I'm doing also but it doesn't seem to make a big difference 😔
Ours absolutely hated it, tolerates it now with a muslin or wash cloth on him. I’ve also found that bathing him during the day tends to be more successful than evening as if he’s anywhere near a wind down to sleep he massively kicks off. One day I hope it becomes part of our bedtime routine but for now it’s just as and when!
Have you tried a muslin cloth in the bath over him?
@Hannah I have yes, under him and over him too, he still doesn't like it... 🫣
@Jess I said I'll be doing the same for the exact same reason, and I'm hoping he'll eventually get used to the idea and move bath time nearer to bedtime
Our LG hates the bath as well 🙈 We should bath her more, so she gets used to it but it’s one of those tasks that is made a lot harder with a 2yo who wants to help but can’t really. She (the 2yo) hated baths for a good while and then she turned a corner. Now she’s an absolute water baby and bath time is her fave, so I can confirm it will get better xx
Ours hates the baby bath at 1st but enjoys the big bath, my partner gets in with her. Make sure the towel is on the radiator along with her clothing. We do have our bad days!