How many poos?

Hello! My baby has started her weaning journey but is otherwise exclusively breastfed, she is 7m. She has a poo roughly 3 times a week, my family said this isn’t normal, has anyone got any advice/ guidance?
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Is it normal for her? That's what matters. My LB poos roughly every 8 days. No pain, no discomfort, not rock solid, and it's perfectly normal for him. He isn't constipated. He just absorbs everything, so I was advised to wean early. He now poos every 4-5 days. 2 months into weaning, he had 2 weeks of 4-5 poos a day. Stinky ones, runny ones, ones with bits of carrot 🙄, literally all sorts. GP advised this can be common 2 months into weaning as their digestive system adapts.

Obviously, if youre concerned, if this isn't normally for her, and you're giving water with meals, or she's straining alot and/or in pain/discomfort then speak with your GP

Thank you, this is really helpful. She does strain a lot and since having solid poos she gets really upset so maybe she’s constipated. Will speak to the gp.

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