Obviously, if youre concerned, if this isn't normally for her, and you're giving water with meals, or she's straining alot and/or in pain/discomfort then speak with your GP
Thank you, this is really helpful. She does strain a lot and since having solid poos she gets really upset so maybe she’s constipated. Will speak to the gp.
Is it normal for her? That's what matters. My LB poos roughly every 8 days. No pain, no discomfort, not rock solid, and it's perfectly normal for him. He isn't constipated. He just absorbs everything, so I was advised to wean early. He now poos every 4-5 days. 2 months into weaning, he had 2 weeks of 4-5 poos a day. Stinky ones, runny ones, ones with bits of carrot 🙄, literally all sorts. GP advised this can be common 2 months into weaning as their digestive system adapts.