How often is everyone bathing their babies?

As above! And how old? And do you use soap? I keep seeing so much conflicting advice on this I’m intrigued. I’ll start, twice a week ish unless he’s had a big gross blow out😂 he’s 6 weeks. I’m just adding breast milk to the water atm then I massage coconut oil on after while he’s in his towel.
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Okay, people might disagree with me but my baby seems to love it. I bath my baby twice a day and he’s 2 months old. I use Nalas Baby for his baths and breast milk too. Sometimes I bath him once a day but majority of the time it’s twice a day!

My baby is 7 weeks old and I bath him 3 times a week using organic child’s farm wash

Twice a week, with Korres baby. Don’t want to strip the natural oils from his skin or mess with it, I had eczema as a kid and I swear it was being washed every night with Johnson’s 😂 I use coconut oil afterwards too.

Every 2-3 nights, we use aveeno baby in the bath and occasionally coconut milk after

We bath every night but don’t use soap every time, usually every other. We use aveeno baby, Johnson’s and Childs farm on a rotation just because we were bought all of them while pregnant. On non soap days she has a breast milk bath or a drop of baby oil just to keep her skin hydrated lol x

My daughter is 9 weeks and she has one every night before bed and we use all the nalas baby products especially the vanilla ones

Nearly 9 weeks and 3 times a week. We use Johnson’s bedtime range and breast milk in every bath

My lg is 9 weeks, and I give her a bath 3-4 times a week. Sometimes we use just water, and sometimes homemade breastmilk soap. How much breastmilk are you all adding to the water?

Every 5-6 days, as I'm afraid of him getting cold after the bath or straining his neck too much. Water with soap, no oil after, he's quite neutural about the experience. We were advised not to use Johnsons by the health visitor

I bath my 10 week old every other night or so, depending on how greasy her hair looks 🙈 Any tips on that welcome! Would others just spritz some water on it to give it a refresh? I use all the Aveeno bedtime range, then when she's out, massage the bedtime oil from Asda.

@Amy if it any help my boys hair seems to get greasy quite easily so I often just run warm water out the tap, get his soft baby brush wet in the water and brush his hair with that repeatedly til it’s wet then dry it off. He seems to love having his hair brushed and obv loves anything warm so he enjoys that

@Beth Fab, thank you! Will give that a go. She loves a bath so it's no drama, but with a toddler running around as well, a bath every night isn't always on the cards!

8 weeks and bathe every 2-3 days we use Kokoso and sometimes some Aveeno cream after xx

7 weeks, every 2-3 days using nalas baby in the bath and for moisturising after

10 weeks and 2-3 times a week. Was told babies don’t need a bath every night and our water is hard in this area so I find his skin goes dry if we bath him too much. I do add lotion after xx

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10 weeks, every night, aveeno baby or just plain water.

Baby will be 9w tomorrow. We bathe her twice a week on average. We've started using mustela shampoo 2 weeks ago because she had cradle cap (it's all gone now) and a touch of sanex baby. Before that we'd only used breast milk.

9 and a half weeks old, we do baths 2-3 times a week with Aveeno baby wash and then coconut oil for a massage before a feed and bed

8 weeks, we usually bath once a week, but upping it to twice a week. Every bath is a milk bath. We haven't introduced soaps yet. We use either coconut oil or aveeno to moisturise his skin afterwards x

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