HELP! My daughter locked herself in the bathroom and she can’t unlock it.

Does anyone know how to open this door?? Do I call the police. It’s 9pm idk if a handyman will come. There’s literally no screws that I can unlock and there’s nothing in the side of the door.
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That hole is for a key.. maybe try a Bobby pin

Can u poke a safety pin or a meat stick thermometer in that hole, or above the doors there’s normally a lock pin to unlock these?

I tried not working

Have her unlock it! If she can lock it, she can unlock it. Otherwise, try to see if there’s a key above the door frame or use a screwdriver.

@Katie I slid my phone under to show her how to unlock it but she’s not! She’s 2 years old

Maybe u can have her put a string or rope u put under the door around the handle so you can pull it open?

And u might have to just break the handle off

Call a firefighter if nothing works

My kid does this often

@Nathalie I just did.

Get a butter knife and slide it through the door, if its space. So u can pry it open.

Both my kids learned early how to not lock the door. They were so traumatized by accidentally locking themselves in. Hope it works out

Well everything is ok, take a big ol breath, this is just a learning lesson that those kinda handles are not the best! I actually just moved and we have those also so thanks 4 the heads up😂😅

A really small screwdriver or something skinny with a flat/wide edge on the end. Stick it in the hole and slowly move it around/spin it until you feel it catch, then turn it like a key.

Kebab stick through the hole?

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@Shawna yes! Bt only the metal ones cuz I tried the wooden stick ones and they would break 😫😭

A belt use the metal part

What were the results. We had this type of door when i was growing up and the paper clip always worked. It was more of push to pop not a turn thing.

Metal coat hanger will fit through the small lock hole but if you can’t find something are the door hinges accessible you could unscrew them if so just a hassle to get them back on

Is she ok?

Any updates?

Idk what you ended up doing. But if it happens again you could try a credit card by the lock and see if that helps move it. And maybe put a child lock on it where they can’t lock it

A Bobby pin should open that door. I’ve done it before years ago!


There are emergency locksmiths and stuff, they'd probably do this. I wouldn't call the police or any other emergency service

Our old house had this just take a thin ink tube from a pen and push it through super easy. Bic pen work best lol can’t be g2 pens or the wide tube pens

Oh shit lmao My 3 year old son locked me out of the house TWICE last month when I took the trash out!! It was really scary at the moment. Funny when I got the door finally. Thank God he was fine.

@Sophie if you read up in her previous comments, her daughter is 2. You must have missed that. Definitely an emergency situation.

I’m really happy I commented on this cuz not only do I want to know the update bt also cuz my child has been doing this his whole entire toddlerhood since he was one! the first few times I would panick & if my husband wasn’t around I would probably have called the police bt glad to know I’m not the only one this has happened to & also I learned a lot of different ways to open locked doors x thanks to all u mamas

@Shore nothing a locksmith wouldn't do, they'd do the exact same as emergency services would

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Pick the lock that's why the hole is there use a wire dry cleaner hanger bend the curved part str8 stick it in and it should ope6

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