I used a moses basket snd also a next to me for the first 5 months had one in each room. A friend lent me 3 types of steriliser and I only used the steam one (still using actually) and additionally purchased a travel UV paci steriliser. I doubt you need 2 strollers
See I disagree because I've gone through 2 strollers and actually bought a jogger when he was 1.5 and am still using it. My son is Autistic so a lot of the toys for younger kids are still working now too so I haven't really gotten rid of any toys. 2 beds is also good if you have a 2 story house or 2 areas you split your time in. Remember you will be sleep-deprived so the less moving things around the better!
The city jogger stroller is soo smooth. But I couldn’t use it til 4month old
Personally- I have two bassinets right now with my 3 month old. One in my room and one in his room. He naps sometimes in his room during the day and I don’t disturb him when I’m in my room. I also have a pack n play downstairs where he can lay down. I think if you have a two story then two of some things could be really beneficial. Maybe you can keep what you get and if when the baby arrives you don’t need it then you can just donate it or get rid of it? also like they said in the comments any duplicate things you can keep at family’s house if need be.
I had a bassinet, got given one, had a swing, got given one, bouncer I have 3 now. I just pass along what I get given doubles of.
Plenty of toys as they’ve grown older. Most duplicates I sent to my mums house so she had stuff for them when they visited or donated/gave to expecting mums I knew. Some things can be useful for upstairs/downstairs but usually one of everything is enough!