@Kaitlyn same girl! Most of the time I’m in a tshirt and underwear. My husband doesn’t seem to mind 😅
@Falon exactly one of his shirts and maybe shorts haha
Most days I do minimal makeup and fix my hair, I always wear jewellery and usually a comfy co-ord unless we're going out. I do it for myself, my partner is obsessed with me no matter what I look like but I don't feel like myself if I don't make a bit of effort to brighten myself
I like to get dressed everyday, leggings and a plain color nursing shirt. I do the overnight heatless curls most nights too. I do this for myself.
I like to do my hair and put clothes on. No makeup, but yes shower!
No. I have a shower, put on deodorant and brush my teeth. If I’m going out I will wear light makeup and throw my hair in a bun
I typically do makeup but since mega preggo my outfits are kind of lazy, and I don't style my hair much
I definitely put effort most days, for hubby, for myself to feel sane, but yes the hair the makeup, the clothes
Nope. I’d didn’t do this before pregnancy, certainly not doing it now
If my husband covered more shower time for me, I would consider making more of an effort... You can't dress up dirt. 🤣
It’s really based on my mood and energy level. I have a pretty natural beauty routine so it doesn’t take long and isn’t much outside of regular self care Loose jeans and a tshirt/tank top most days even at home. Just not a big legging fan on me
Im in my sweats and a tee shirt. No time to look cute or anywhere to go to look cute. This summer be different though. She'll be older and I have enough shorts.
I started to dress up again just to get back to feeling like myself
I try sometimes, but confidence is way too low since I became a Mom. 🥲
Nope I’m in pjs all day everyday unless we go out he finds me attractive either way even more so since becoming a mom