Family visits

Since your baby has been born how many times have you seen your parents or in-laws? My LO was born three weeks ago and my mom has seen her three times and was there for her being born… my mom is guilt tripping me every single day that she should be seeing my LO more, trying to get me to pump when I’m ebf so me and my husband can go on a date night and she can watch her etc. I do have to add in here she has not offered to help us one time except to watch her while we go out on a date and she won’t come over to our house, anytime she wants to see her she wants/makes us to go to her. I’m going crazy, my husband is about to lose it and just trying to see if I’m in the wrong here and should be seeing her more?
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No I honestly think she should be coming to you if she wants to see the baby. My in laws want us to go over there but I said I’m not leaving the house w her if they want to see her they can come over here. I don’t like to drive w my baby and I’m on a pumping schedule so it’s just way too much to leave. I also hate when no one wants to help out around the house but just take my baby the whole time when they clearly see my house is a mess. And I would never leave my baby with anyone until maybe when she’s older. I have so much anxiety when someone other than me or my bf is holding her. I deff think family needs to learn boundaries bc it’s been driving me crazy as well

that’s up to you and your relationship with you momma . my mama helped me a lot when i was moving out with my partner , during pregnancy and overall just did what she could . She was there for my sons birth and postpartum to help us out , even now while i’m sahm she’s going above and beyond and she loves her grandson so much. she either comes over or i come to her , we see each other every week a couple times id say, i even stayed for the weekend from friday till today since hubby works all day on weekends so im not home alone . But id say me and my mami always been more of bestfriends even if we had tougher times before . If your mom doesn’t bring positive vibes more then negative or you jsut get frustrated now more then ever just take a break mama, it is ok! you just brought life to this world do not worry about anybody else’s feelings getting hurt right now ‘

My parents & in laws have seen babygirl several times since been more 2.5 weeks ago but they have come to us. They watch her during the day while i catch up on sleep

Dad's family has not seen baby in person and won't see her until she has her shots. My mom came to visit the 1st week she was born. But outside of that, no one has seen her in person.

I don't think you're in the wrong. We honestly haven't had any visitors, she is 5 weeks old, and still won't have any till she is 2 months. It just sounds like you need to set some boundaries with her, and decide when you want to share your baby. Make her come to you.

It’s totally personal and up to you! We just had baby #2 two weeks ago and we’ve seen both of our families multiple times (they’ve come to us and we’ve gone to them as well) but that’s solely bc we wanted to! We love both of our families and it’s fun getting out and about and personally I love having people around me so we don’t get caught in that newborn fog, plus it’s fun for our 2 year old as well! BUT, if you don’t want that then 100% that’s up to you, and you shouldn’t feel guilty about it! We all have different wants and needs post partum!

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