I really want one but the price is so off-putting. I’m tempted to get one off vinted! I also read on tiktok last night about two other brands - eufy and snuza, which are much more affordable but I haven’t properly looked into them xx
@Issy we have eufy house cctv and house alarms and if they’re anything to go off id highly recommend. The technology is 10/10 for the purposes of house security so would expect good things for their baby ones
@Steph oh amazing I’m sold! Thanks so much :) xx
@Issy we use eufy for her room cam and our house cctv and they are great
I didn’t but mainly because my first baby was premature and so hooked up to lots of machines for the first 10 weeks of life, as soon as we could get rid of them we did! Also hospital grade equipment fails all the time- false alarms, fails to pick up signals so I can’t imagine anything you can buy for home would be any better and probably a bit anxiety inducing
We have it and love it! It gave me so much reassurance from the start but also when we transition to a cot. My little girl was back and forth from the doctors unwell last year, I knew something wasn’t right. They told me it was viral but I just knew it had to be more. One night her oxygen levels plummeted which was picked up on the owlet, I called 111 and she was admitted to hospital which transpired to be Pneumonia. I know it’s a lot of money of course, some of my friends use Snuza and speak highly of it. I’ve seen them on Vinted, not sure if that’s an option for you x
@Lauren I am not sure if I should get it now or when he’s born, but yeah, I think as a first time mum I won’t be able to sleep well and I’ll be checking on him all the time so I’m really thinking about getting one x
@Julia you’ll know what’s right for you! Deffo check out vinted x
Didn’t bother with anything for my first baby but got the owlet for my second. He had a medical episode and stopped breathing a few times so we bought the owlet for peace of mind. We also live in a three floored house so when he gets his own room in the summer it’ll be on the top floor. The owlet for us will give us a bit of confidence as it alerts our phones and alarms the base unit. It’s expensive but it just depends on what you want it for. If it’s a medical issue a lot get the owlet but if it’s just standard baby monitoring get a cheaper camera xx