Can it effect fertility?
My partner has smoked for about 5/6 years, he’s been a daily smoker (onea day) for about 3 years. I’ve also been smoking about 5/6 days a week (just
once in the evening) for the last 3 years since i had my first child. Before that i was doing it once or twice a week for about 3 years.. i conceived my first very easily (1st try) have been ttc 2nd for almost a year, had 2 chemicals right at the start and haven’t conceived since… i cant help but wonder if weed has a part to play? Does it effect fertility? alot of mixed reviews online. partners sperm count is very high the motility is ok too… it’s not the best but not bad but as the counts high i’ve read its all fine… but not sure about morphology… anyone got any advice? Does it effect egg quality?
No it had todo more with your age and how well your body bounces back after your first child I’ve smoked sence I was 16 vary light smoker and my husband has been a daily smoker since he was 13 or 15 and we our on our fourth child due here in may we’ve had two back too back children.