Just a quick one really

So I’m not trying to be mean but I’m seeing people respond to others tests with “nope” or “no”. Personally and I don’t know if it’s because I’ve gone through a miscarriage twice and had negative tests I know it can be slightly heartbreaking. So all I’m asking is people be a bit more cautious with their words and say stuff like “I can’t see anything yet but retest in 2 days as sometimes it can take a while to show up”. Not sure if I’m just taking it wrong and I know people don’t mean to be rude by saying it but I know reading nope is heartbreaking when you don’t know people’s situations.
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Exactly thank you so much for this much love

@Mikala just needed to be said some people just aren’t thinking and trying not to be that person to say don’t do that but I’ve seen too many people going no and nope and it’s just stressing me out especially when everyone else is so respectful with saying I don’t see anything yet x

Sometimes the OP doesn't say whether they're TTC or not, so they may not be hoping for a positive at all.

Well said! I’ve noticed this too❤️

As heartbreaking as it is if you are hoping for a positive (I have also had a mc so totally understand this!)…I’d rather have someone be honest with me than try and give me false hope. Usually, posts do say what dpo they are or how late they are for their period and sometimes, saying to retest in situations where it’s a clear negative can be more damaging than just being honest. I usually say “I’m really sorry but it doesn’t look positive this time”. I do think a flat “no” with nothing else can come across quite cold if we’ve had negative pregnancy experiences/MC’s but I don’t think people ever mean it like that. You’re never going to be able to control what people say so as much as there’s nicer ways for people to say no, I think we do also need to have somewhat thicker skin about it and realise not everything we read is malicious x

@Courtney I said I don’t think it’s malicious but we shouldn’t have to have thicker skin about stuff like that either because it’s just nice not to put a flat cold no. Like even you’re way of saying it is better than a no or nope a lot of people have reacted to this and said they’ve noticed it too and thanks for saying it so it’s done something even just a little acknowledgement and a post can go a long way because now some people who haven’t meant it have seen it and saw it can impact people differently thanks for your reply though x

@Daisy ❤️❤️

@Charley yeah I know that but i feel most people on here are hoping for a positive and probably 50% or more have had difficult experiences x

Like also after this post I’ve noticed a lot more people being more supportive with their comments so it’s helped x

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