Currently have 2 My daughter was 9 months when I got pregnant. I absolutely love it but it’s definitely very difficult. Personally, for me it’s not having full time to heal mentally before having to go through all the hormone changes all over again. It’s a lot so just make sure you’re in a good head space but I have zero regrets, I love my babies to pieces
I am 6 months post partum and we now have are 2 baby on the way and our over the moon do what you think is best and what yall wanna do that’s what we did and we can’t wait to meet are new addition to our family.i say if you wanna have another one then go for it but if you wanna wait then wait to have another it’s y’all’s call when yall wanna have another.
We haven’t had another baby yet my son was born August and we’re planning on starting for baby number two in June so they’ll be roughly 20 months apart Completely understand your want for another baby! I had an emergency c section so have to wait a little longer so my uterus can heal if I hadn’t have had the c section I’d probably be pregnant already 😂