@Peanut Shell Thank you! I sure will
I think you should wait a little longer to see if your period shows up. Period can be delayed by any number of things so give it a bit of time 😊 I am currently three days late but I don’t really have any symptoms other than that
Yes get blood work done then you will know what's going on but it's a bit early to be showing just yet. I know a few women who had more than four children and they say the more Kids you have the early show but none of them when they're on their fourth fifth pregnancy. They haven't showed until about eight weeks nine weeks so it's a little early to be showing it could be bloated . You could have a hormone imbalance who knows what's going on. I suggest go see your OB get bloods done and you'll know for sure what's going on. I hope it's nothing serious but I'm sure it's not. Let us know how you go. Got everything crossed for you.